Ani's update

The best way to end a day of work is with big dreams:
Hi Raq,
Today I revised the L1/L2 teaches and completed the L3 teach. I had a moment of crazy fantasizing where a student who was taught these lessons went on to become a huge coastal environment advocate and saved the world from overfishing. It might happen.
With our lessons in hundreds of classrooms, I think it WILL happen. And that makes my heart warm and fingers light and tingly.


  1. It is exciting to think of children learning to be critical thinkers and use language to express their thinking clearly, coherently, respectfully. Our goal is to equip them lots and lots of options for how to do that.

    And while it can be seductive to imagine being able to influence children to care about what we care about, that is not our purpose - or our right. We have to be just as proud and thrilled when our former students can respectfully and coherently articulate positions we disagree with as when they articulate those we personally hold.

    That's really what it's about. Giving them the tools to express their OWN thinking. Not ours.


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